Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saturday News and Notes

Kind of a quiet Saturday today. It's allergy season, so we're all taking it a little easy. Allison and I are the worst off, Nick seems fine with claritin, and Xander doesn't seem to have developed any allergies (yet). For some reason I always associate sluggishness and sleepiness with this time of year. Probably because of all the benedryl.

I was planning to take Nick to the movie The Clone Wars this morning, but he did one of those vexing things a six-year-old sometimes does. He refused to go. Never mind that all he talks about or thinks about is Star Wars. It really isn't a big deal, but I can't figure that kid out sometimes.

Since the movie plans were scrubbed, I decided to clean the garage instead. In retrospect, that was probably a better use of my time. After that we hit the farmers' market for some vegetables and treats. I had a very tasty key lime bar.

I'm taking a statistics class at the U this fall and I finally got around to ordering the text book from today. Since we have Amazon Prime, there is rarely a reason to go to a bookstore anymore. Unfortunately I had procrasted too long and the book was out of stock. I was forced to do something I really didn't want to do - make a trip to the main campus bookstore.

I thought this might be horrible, but it really wasn't. I was in and out in no time flat. Pretty good considering that this is the weekend everyone is moving into the dorms. The worst part of the trip was the realization that I'm closer in age to the parents moving their kids into college than I am the kids.

1 comment:

Hans said...

Hey! I took a statistics class at the U as a night course. I enjoyed it, actually. It was full of very old people like you, so don't worry. Not many of the men had all their hair.