Thursday, August 21, 2008

Twelve Greatest Days of Summer Start Now

It's that time of year again... The Minnesota State Fair. Deep-fried candy bars. Stuff on sticks. All kinds of interesting smells. I love the State Fair. I would go every day if I could. (One of Allison's co-workers actually does!)

While I love the State Fair, it is a bittersweet time of year. The end of summer. This year will be especially hard. This has been an amazing summer in one of those 'best of times, worst of times' ways. I have loved all the time I spent with Mom, my family, and my kids. Okay, the kids kind of drive me crazy, but I've become accustomed to it.

The worst part of the end of summer is that it will soon be fall. I can live with fall. But fall means that winter is right around the corner. I can't begin to tell you how depressing I find that. And not just because I have to go back to wearing long pants again.


Anonymous said...

Man....I would LOVE to see the butter heads again!! Not to mention trying Spam on a stick.....and having Tom Thumb donuts.......and looking at 4H projects.....UH OH....homesickness wave coming!!!!

PizzaMaster said...

It has been a pretty awesome summer here to. Trouble is, we don't even have a decent state fair to end it with. Michigan does have a state fair, it's in Detroit and not a nice section of it at that. It gets none of the hype of the Minnesota or Iowa state fairs, for a good reason. It in a dangerous area of a dangerous town. Enjoy! Remember, without the winter, spring would be a lot less enjoyable.